Monday, March 12, 2007

The first chink in Obama's armor.

I happened across this little tid bit.

From Columbia School of Journalism website:


Obama came to the dinner at the invitation of West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd, who also commandeered him for a fundraising event earlier that day that raised $2,500 per person. This was not the first time he had helped Byrd: In March 2005, Obama sent out a letter in praise of Byrd through Two days later, Byrd had raised more than $800,000, according to The Charleston Gazette. Byrd hardly needed Obama’s help to keep his seat—he has been in the Senate since 1959 and is currently enjoying an almost 30-point lead in the polls. But it is capital in the favor bank...

So, Obama doesn't mind raising money for a former klansman and one of the most "colorful" fixtures in the Senate since Strom Thurmond was elected for his last two terms.

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