Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of RUM!!! Give me RUM ye hear!

The Waters Edge radio program is now online! My good friend LJ Wallace
offers a live two-hour weekly broadcast on Saturday mornings from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. EDT on Real 1340/AM/WQSC, Charleston, South Carolina. Each weekly show features an eclectic potpourri of news, views, interviews and irreverent commentary on everything nautical from coastal living to boating and fishing. But it's not your father's radio show. It's Prop Stoppin', Anchor Droppin' Maritime Mayhem on the Radio.

L.J. Wallace makes no bones about it. He's not conventional or politically correct, and he doesn't pretend to be all things to all people.

"Boating is all about fun," says Wallace, a life-long boater who launched his first radio show nearly 15 years ago from the wharves of Charleston, S.C. "Even if a controversial subject comes up, I try to look for the light side." His show does include a good bit of innuendo, but, he says, "We keep the show pretty clean even when discussing bikinis, cocktails and the fair sex. Boaters aren't prudish and we make the most of that while remaining within the bounds of good taste usually," he adds.

Now you can hear LJ's program online on demand. Streaming (not live) or a download.

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